KM Mont has a stable market position which it primarily owes to the quality of its services. We are key leaders in the production of metal structures and their parts, and at the same time, we provide the highest quality services associated with planning the assembly of production facilities. So far, we have provided a large number of services to both small businesses and multinational companies.

Some of our most important clients are:

We are leaders in the production, transportation and installation of gas pipelines and steel structures.

Construction of the transport gas pipeline GRČ Futog - GMRS Beočin

The Danube was drilled between Futog and Beočin for the construction of a gas pipeline. Investor JP Srbijagas. Within 30 days, the construction site was formed, a pilot well was drilled, gradually expanded to a diameter of 80 cm and then the gas pipeline was inserted. The borehole in the longest part of the route passes 38 meters below the level of the Danube.

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Based on the Project Assignment as well as the approved Preliminary Design also prepared by KM Mont d.o.o. for the needs of investor HIP-Azotara d.o.o. Pančevo, we prepared the Project for the reconstruction of the wet processing facility and granulation tower (total height 75,959m) of the KAN production plant (lime ammonium nitrate), located on C.L. No. 15645 C.M. Pančevo, within the industrial complex HIP-Azotara d.o.o. Pančevo, at Spoljnostarčevačka 80, Pančevo.

As part of the planned reconstruction, the dismantling of the existing technological equipment and all installations (mechanical, electrical, instrumental, etc.), dismantling of the wet process building up to the foundation at an elevation of 76,532 m and of the granulation tower up to an elevation of 74.20 m, demolition of the foundation, increasing the soil’s bearing capacity using the “jet grouting ” method, foundation engineering, construction of both facilities according to the same dimensions and with the same architecture, assembly of existing technological equipment and all installations, without changing the technological process, capacity and production program.

Information about the client:
Investor: HIP-Azotara d.o.o. Pančevo

Project implementation period: 2016 – 2017

Transport of installation equipment:
River transport – tower construction
Road transport – equipment and pipeline

Main gas pipeline (interconnector) border Bulgaria - border Hungary

During 2019-2021, KM MONT company successfully completed the construction of the main interconnector gas pipeline that stretches from the border of Bulgaria to the border of Hungary. On that occasion, over 520 tons of steel with a total length of 336157 DI were installed. The length of the gas pipeline is 403 km and its diameter is DN1200 (48”). The working pressure of this pipeline is 75 bar. The number of welded joints is 28958.

Client: JP Srbijagas, Novi Sad, Serbia
Main contractor: Infrastructure Development and Construction” d.o.o., Beograd-Novi Beograd, Serbia
Investor: GASTRANS d.o.o. Novi Sad, Serbia
Beginning of works: October 2019
Completion of works: December 2021
Client: JP Srbijagas, Novi Sad, Serbia
Main contractor: Infrastructure Development and Construction” d.o.o., Beograd-Novi Beograd, Serbia
Investor: GASTRANS d.o.o. Novi Sad, Serbia
Beginning of works: October 2019
Completion of works: December 2021
Main gas pipeline – interconnector with a length of 403 km
Working pressure 75 bar
Pipe size DN1200 (48”)
18 Block valve station (BVS)
4 Gas measuring stations (GMS)
4 Cleaning stations

Total number of welded joints without linear part 28958.

Pipe material: L485ME, X65 PSL2, X70, L245NE…

 1219×21,2mm (48“) 698 welded joints 
 914×17,48mm (36“) 97 welded joints
 609,6×25,4mm (24“) 148 welded joints
 457×20,62mm (18“) 445 welded joints
 406,4×19,05mm (16“) 950 welded joints
 219,1×12,7mm (8“) 229 welded joints
 114,3×8,56mm (4“) 4453 welded joints
 Other dimensions 6“, 3“, 2“, 1 ½“, 1“, ¾ “, ½“ 5274 welded joints
1219×21,2mm (48“) 6 (+2 for con. with l.gas.) welded joints
406,4×19,05mm (16“) 39 welded joints
14,3×8,56mm (4“) 50 welded joints
60,3×7,14mm (2“) 24 welded joints
33,4×6,35mm (1“) 14 welded joints
21,3×4,78mm (1/2“) 7 welded joints